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My relationship With Kate Taylor

Let me share what happened to me

Kate Taylor from Sodexo USA, lied to me when we started dating. She told me she was after a monogamous relationship and that we were going to live together. Its only about a year during the relationship that I realised it wasn't the case. She had already told me that moving in together wasn't going to happen (again after being together). She invited me, all cost covered by her to Splendor on the grass. I didn't want to go as i suffer from relatively severe chronic pain, anxiety and panic attacks. She kept insisting that it was important to her, so i did go. Itried to enjoy it but i admit, i hated it. It was a very young crowd, the sound was loud and there was too much standing and walking. I couldn't understand why Katie was making me suffer that much but i tried to stay positive. She kept hinting about group sex etc but i thought it was just in the air. Kate had bought us similar costumes, so we stood out as a couple. In the bar tent, a young couple approaches us and asked us to swing. Kate seemed very excited and was asking me to join them. Except that as Kate has Genital herpes I was in shock. There were only a couple of teens wanting to have fun and Kate wanted not only lie about our age but also not disclose her STD. Kate knew i had been abused violently as a kid and have huge PTSD because of it. I even have to rock myself to sleep every night. She knew i was fragile but she cared more about herself. I am unsure as to why she didn't just told me from the beginning. I can assume it was because she knew I would immediately refuse, who in its right might wants to not only get herpes but give it to others. She thought she was careful, she wasn't. We never used condoms. Never even bothered telling me the first night we slept together that she had herpes. She lied and blamed the alcohol. Obviously it wasn't, she just doesn't tell people, and then if they catch it, they tell them like at me:"You took a risk with me William".

So, because she traumatised me, I blanked out what happaned with that young couple. Katie changed our relationship again without consulting with me. I was now :"Toyboy". I wasn't happy and i was very confused as i had no memory of the incident that lead to my trauma. She began to continue using for a few more year. She kept being angry, kept never talking openly about her wants to swing nand kept setting things up. it was a complete nightmare for me.

Since the trauma, my PTSD spiked up. I was anxious, confused and abused by Kate. Kate thought i was naive and thats why i didnt understand, when in fact i was traumatised by what she did to me.She ended up breaking up with me and blaming my disability and the fact that I didn't love her enough and didn't listen to her.

As she didn't tell me the real reason despite me beging her, i started the begining of a roller coaster in mental health issues. I had no idea why the love of my life was leaving me for no reasons and she triggered my PTSD to the highest level since fleeing my dad. I lost my mind, my money and tried to commit suicide twice already.

Kate still refused to give me the real reason for her leaving me when I thought we were at the peak of our love and everything seemed fine. I never felt so loved, it was amazing. I never wanted it to end. Knowing she left because of the swinging would have helped me with my mental blockage. But she preferred to protect herself.

Its only a few weeks ago that I remembered what happened, and understood why she left me.

I am honestly Speechless. I will continue to inform her workmate, friends and family and make this website as visible as possible.

Please Kate, stop spreading this virus and practice safe and ethical swinging. I have never been treated more like a piece of meat than Katie has.

You hurt me Kate, I trusted you blindly with my life and you did that with it.

I developped fear of sex and it strenghtened my fear of people. I live totally isolated because of all that, with chronic pain and PTSD. I told her of that fear of being in that exact situation. I thought she understood my condition but instead only cared about sex.

To Kate: I have ED and lost a lot of sensation on my penis thats why i liked certain things. But it was also an irrational response to the fear of catching the virus. I know in reality it doesn't make any difference but it made me feel better about it too. You deserved an answer i thought. Its weird, I still love everything we had and who you were until you showed to be so Predatory and in my opinion rapy. I honestly feel raped because of your lies and deception. You not only wanted me to get a virus but also to pass it onto innocent people.

Joke is on me because i am the one with fear of sex now, single, alone with an...... and she left me telling me "I want to have fun". How can she still be okay with continuing this unethical practice is beyond me. How can she look at herself in the mirror? I wish i had her confidence and carelessness for others (just kidding).

Iwill keep writting more about this story.


I was used and abused by Kate Taylor shown above